Things Done Done Better
Single-channel video, silent, color

Things done done better makes use of fluorescent colors as both functional and symbolic markers of the manmade/nonnatural/dangerous. Taking place in an ambiguous site, drips and streams of fluorescents are replaced with stock footage of natural disasters. Over the course of the fifteen minute video, several dozen pigment filled eggs are dropped down the side of a backlit bathtub. Intermittently, the faux Morris Louis meets tempera abstractions are chroma-keyed out and replaced with a variety of YouTube videos of natural disasters. Underwater volcano eruptions, mudslides, fire tornadoes, and avalanches are brought in to function as a corollary to the fluorescent colors, one type of visual titillation substituting for another. Mixing private space with theatrical space with slight nudges to hybrid culinary creations (egg drop soup) and typical symptoms of male hysteric trans-species reproductive fantasies (the desire to give birth via chicken egg), Things done done better maps out the nonsensical overlapping of fantasy life, visual pleasure, and metaphors of the natural.