Von hinten nach vorne, fehlerlos / Backwards, with no mistakes
Two-channel video, sound, color
Von hinten nach vorne, fehlerlos / Backwards, with no mistakes is a re-presentation of both versions of Michael Haneke's Funny Games (1997/2007). At the climax of both films, one of two men taking a family hostage is shot by a captive; his accomplice finds a remote control, rewinds the action, averts the murder, and shoots the captive's husband in revenge. This gesture functions as Haneke's refusal to give the audience the satisfaction of a heroic reversal of fortune for the captives. Von hinten nach vorne, fehlerlos/Backwards, with no mistakes sets out to refuse this moment by reversing the scene, overturning Haneke's insistence on doggedly following through on the initial impulse of the film.